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- Incubatee of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Incu-App Program


- Hong Kong ICT Awards 2015 – Best ICT Startup Award (Silver Award)


- Entrepreneur Square (Tech Innovation x Social Innovation) - Bronze Award


- First Runner-up in Entrepreneur Arena (co-organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Federation of Youth

- Bronze Award in “Bees & Trees Alliance” (launched by Our Hong Kong Foundation, OHKF)

- Investee from SOW Asia

Our  Company

Happy-Retired is a registered social enterprise in Hong Kong with a dedicated online digital platform plus an offline user community for the aged 50+ population segment. We have both online and offline channels to reach our users.  |  Unit C, 4/F, Hong Kong Spinners Industrial Building, Phase 5, 760-762 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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